This tutorial was written on 16h June 2009
Any simularity to another tutorial is purely coincidental
I am using PTU scrapkit by Magic Scraps by Sabs kit is called Illusion in Pink (tagger size) which can be Purchased HERE
Tubes of choice i am using close up by Jennifer Janesko under license number CI0035LM you can purchase there tubes from CILM
Mask of choice
Font of choice
Let's Get Started
Open your supplies and minimise
Open a new raster layer 700 x 700 and floodfill with white
Open a paper of choice copy and paste as a new layer place above the white background layer, then layers new mask from image find your mask in the dropdown section source luminance checked invert data unchecked and apply delete mask layer and merge group
Next Open Frame 1 copy and paste as a new layer,duplicate and mirror position as close to each other as you like,merge down both frames, next open Tube of choice copy and paste as a new layer below the frame grab your magic wand holding down the shift key select inside the frames then select modify by 5, select invert back to your Tube layer hit delete select none Add a dropshadow 1,1,30,3,Black
Open Spiralheart copy and paste as a new layer resize by 50% position on the right hand side of the frame duplicate and mirror, Add a dropshadow 1,1,30,3,Black
Open a Box copy and paste as a new layer resize by 50% then again by 50% position on top of the spiralheart on the left hand side Add a dropshadow 1,1,30,3,Black
Open Flower copy and paste as a new layer resize by 20% then position on top of the spiralheart on the right hand side Add a dropshadow 1,1,30,3,Black
Open Candle copy and paste as a new layer resize by 20% position in the middle bottom of the the frame duplicate and psoition togetherAdd a dropshadow 1,1,30,3,Black
Open Butterfly copy and paste as a new layer resize by 20% then place on the top right hand side of the frame duplicate mirror position bottm left of frameAdd a dropshadow 1,1,30,3,Black
Open Keylock copy and paste as a new layer resize by 50% then again by 50% position on top left hand side of frame duplicate and place this below frame back to top one grab your eraser tool and erase bit off the silver lock so its hooked in the frame Add a dropshadow 2,2,50,5,Black
Open Star rain copy and paste as a new layer resize by 80% place over the top of the frame Add a dropshadow 2,2,50,5,Black
Open Blingbutterfly copy and paste as a new layer resize by 20% image free rotate by 30 right place in middle of frames Add a dropshadow 2,2,50,5,Black
Add your copyright information and your name
crop your tag
resize by 80% save your file as a png file
and you are finished
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial,
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