Thursday, 16 July 2009

New Tutorial.........Pretty Pink

This tutorial was written on 16th July 2009
Any simularity to another tutorial is purely coincidental
I am using PTU scrapkit by Danielle of Dazzling Scraps kit is called A few of my favourite things (tagger size) which can be Purchased HERE
Tubes of choice i am using Jamie Kidd under license number CI0035LM You can purchase there tubes from CILM
Template 150 by Designs by Ali you can download HERE,Thank you for sharing
Mask of choice
Font of choice

Let's Get Started
Open your supplies and minimise
Open Template 150 shift D and close original delete info layer then Image canvas size 700 x 700 pixels lock aspect ratio unchecked, Layer New Raster Layer floodfill with white send to bottom,Delete Background Layer,

Open a paper of choice copy and paste as a new layer,layer new mask layer from image find your mask in tHe dropdown section source luminance checked, invert data unchecked apply, delete mask layer merge mask group place below the template layer

Open a paper of Choice copy and paste as a new Layer,onto Shapes 2 select all select float,select defloat select contract by 2 then select invert onto paper layer hit delete select none, Add a dropshadow 2,2,50,5,Black, Delete original layer

Open another paper of choice copy and paste as a new layer onto Shapes 2 copy, Selection all, select float, select defloat,select contract by 2 then select invert onto paper layer hit delete select none, Add a drop shadow 2, 2, 50, 5, Black, Delete original layer

Onto Shape 1,copy and paste a close up or tube of choice above this layer resize as desired then onto shape 1 select all,select float, select defloat,select invert then onto tube layer hit delete select none,resize the tube by 90% position in the middle of shape 1
Add a drop shadow 2, 2, 50, 5, Black,

Onto Shape 1 copy, paste a close up or tube of choice above this layer resize as desired then onto shape 1 select all,select float, select defloat,select invert then onto tube layer hit delete select none,resize the tube by 90% position in the middle of shape 1 copy Add a drop shadow 2, 2, 50, 5, Black,

Open Tube copy and paste as a new layer resize by 80% then position in the middle of the template Add a dropshadow 2,2,50,5,Black

Open Hot pink water pot 2 copy and paste as a new layer resize by 60% then again by 10% place on the bottom of the shape Add a dropshadow 2,2,50,5,Black

Open Hot water pot copy and paste as a new layer resize by 40% then again by 20% place on the shape layer Add a dropshadow 2,2,50,5,Black

Open Pink dragonfly copy and paste as a new layer resize by 10% then place on the left hand side duplicate and position on the right hand side Add a dropshadow 2,2,50,5,Black

Open Flower 1 pink copy and paste as a new Layer resize by 50% then again by 20% position on the bottom left hand corner of the shape duplicate position bottom right hand corner of the shape Add a dropshadow 2,2,50,5 Black

add any copyright and your name,
Layers Merge Flatten,
crop your tag and resize by 90%
Save as Png.

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